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Tanya Perry

Dearest Sal and Paul, I have just finished reading your latest entry and I so clearly remember those early days into the foray of farming, the driving to London finally stopped. I coaxed babies and dogs along behind you, and I remember all of those eggs!

Strangely enough I cooked a cottage pie only a few days ago, something I haven't made for a very long time, and I agree the mandatory garlic and wine vastly improve it from the cottage pies of my Irish childhood.

As we are offered so many fabulous choices when buying and preparing food today (the central market where I shop is nothing short of a joy to experience) I do love to hang on to some of the old, comforting offerings I enjoyed as a child, with a little assistance from some exciting ingredients. I particularly loved your comments on rhubarb!

Keep up the good work! I can still sit on the top gate and smell the grass when I am reading your delightful column.

Love as always, T x

Deepak Rikhye

Dear Sally,
I live in India (Delhi) but worked on a Tea Plantation for two decades. Your articles on farm life in Devon is most interesting . I will be cooking the Shepherds Pie on Sunday.I am sure it will taste heavenly.Look forward to your updates.

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